Wednesday 30 October 2013


Ozzie is now back home again after his operation, feeling a bit sorry for himself after his ordeal, we collected him from the vets yesterday afternoon as we suspected he did not enjoy his experience at all, He wouldn't eat anything at the vets they tried him on his favourite Gourmet Pearle Pouch but he wouldn't touch that and they even gave him some lovely freshly cooked fish & chicken, but no he wouldn't have any of it, so when he got home he was starving and got stuck in to his food straight away with a little difficulty as he has to wear an Elizabethan Type Collar to stop him scratching. The vet had warned us all along that it might be shock when we first see him after the Op as they have to shave his fur off around the area of the eye, so when they brought him out to us he didn't look as bad as we thought he would and when the stitches come out in about 10 days time and his fur starts to grows back he will have his handsome good looks back again. He has a course of antibiotics some anti inflammatory  medicines to take but luckily we can administer them in treats and in his food that makes life easier and also less stress for Ozzie !.
He has spent most of the time since he got home sleeping on our bed, got me up about 6am so he could get a drink from the bathroom sink then lay in the bath and had a nice bit of fuss for a while purring away as loud as you like, then it was back on the bed again where he remains at the moment, he even got treats & his breakfast in bed today ( little did he know they contained his medicines ) so I hope he doesn't expect this all of the time !.
Jasmine doesn't quite know what to make of her brother, when he came home she just sat and looked at him for a bit thinking it looks a bit like my brother, but there is something different about him !, then she preceded to follow him around watching then sniffing him which in the end Ozzie was beginning to get fed up so he went under our bed for a while until she got bored and left him alone. He will have to go back to the vets on Thursday just to check on his progress.
Ozzie relaxing after his Operation

1 comment:

  1. Hi handsome boy.. Wish you a speedy recovery! *hugs*


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